Tuesday 29 May 2012


Joanne Catlow

I feel that each brief I have done over the past four months has in some way represented who I am as a designer and I feel really lucky to of been able to choose subjects which matter to me and to of created work which I enjoyed. This in itself highlights my first point. I have come to the conclusion that you need an open mind with design. So often throughout this module I have said that I am a certain type of designer to then realise the pocket I put myself in has in fact restrained my inspiration to try new and exciting things purely because I want to use, for example, colour. I have learnt that I must approach a brief undecorated and with a fresh design head on.

Generally I feel I have worked hard throughout the past four months, although, as ever, the initial motivation lacked I have finished my briefs happy with my portfolio and the amount of hours I have put into it. It seems though that I will have to be more strict with personal deadlines and organisation. Although I feel I have worked consistently I have let myself down in the areas of documentation – on my blog, project file and in one or two tutorials I was unable to get out what was necessary as it seemed as though I had nothing. I don't plan on making the same mistake twice but understand that, unless I put something in place, it is bound to happen again as it seems to be in my nature. I want to be professional and efficient, as all graphic designers do and so realise the importance of this for my future career.

It has been these last few months which have taught me about attention to detail with typography, colour and layout. The importance of each element of a brief being as strong as each other. I don't feel my work is there yet or at such a standard, even though in hind sight I can see how it could become that way. This does not disappoint me as I feel I have also developed a healthy understanding of the learning process where I feel that I still have a lot to learn and absorb over the next forty or more years and hope to never stop learning.

I am glad to say that my skills on software have definitely improved since the last module and I feel confident using photoshop, illustrator and InDesign where before there was much need for improvement. I feel I have shied away from my Design presence without realising. This may ultimately come down to struggling to know how to brand myself within such a competitive design culture. I know the importance of putting this right over the next few weeks, if not days.

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